What do you need to change to be successful?

Is there something that you wish you could change about yourself to help you be more successful?

Would you like to be more outgoing, more confident, more influential, or more likeable?

Do you look at other people who are more successful than you are and wish you could be more like them?

Do you feel like you need to learn more to be more successful or have more experience so people will take you seriously?

Maybe you believe that you need to have a better website or business card to help you appear more professional.

Does it feel as though there is some magic level you will reach in your business where people will finally start to take notice and acknowledge who you are and what you have to offer?

This is one of the first challenges that we face as entrepreneurs.

If you answered yes to any of the statements above, go back and read the statement again paying close attention to how you feel as you read it.

Does it make you feel good or bad?  Does it make you feel light or heavy?  Does it make you feel expanded or constricted?

My guess is that the statements that you agreed with make you feel bad, heavy and/or constricted.

If you feel bad as you focus on a thought it means that it is not YOUR TRUTH!

The truth is that you don’t need to change anything about yourself to be successful.  You are good enough just the way you are!  You already have and know everything you need to be wildly successful today, right this minute!

Now go back and read that last section again paying close attention to how you feel as you read it.

As you read it do you feel good, light and expanded?  I bet that you do.

Which means, that is YOUR TRUTH!

Starting with the perspective that you already have and know enough to be wildly successful, what do you have to offer the world that will make a positive impact?

What is one thing that you could easily do today that would help someone else?  Close your eyes and quiet your mind and allow the answer to appear.

If something did come to mind, go take action on it right now.  Do at least one thing to set your inspiration in action, RIGHT NOW!

If you are still struggling to answer the question, it’s ok, don’t feel bad.  Sometimes forcing to0 hard to allow your inspiration to come through can prevent you from hearing it.

Maybe it will come to you in your sleep, in the morning when you wake up, while you take a shower, or during your workout.  It will likely come to you when you least expect it, but it will come.  When it does, make sure to take immediate action on it!

I would love to hear what you found most helpful in today’s post, so please leave a comment below.

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