Something to Make you Smile


To close out this first week of the Ultimate Blog Challenge I wanted to post something that would make you smile.


One of the things that I have learned over the last few years is that I have a tendency to take my business a little too seriously.  I also have a tendency to be somewhat of a workaholic.


Everything just works out better and feels better when I intentionally schedule in some fun time.  So my Friday posts will be Fun Friday posts.

So what did you think?  Did it make you smile or maybe even laugh?

I think those two are just too cute!  I have a twin brother, so I absolutely love seeing the twins having fun together.

When was the last time that you laughed so hard that you fell over?


  1. So cute! I have twins, too – so fascinating and fun to watch them. 🙂

    • Oh how fun Erin! I always wished I would have twins. I love having a twin brother! It was always so fun to always have a best friend!

  2. Smart Kiddos. Fun video. I don’t know that I’ve laughed in quite a while.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment Holly! I was pretty impressed with how well they put the rubber bands on the handles too! It sounds like you need to schedule more fun in your week as well! I hope you find more laughter this week!

  3. Oh, that’s awesome! I laughed out loud and did a belly laugh! I actually started giggling before I even pressed play because I knew what to expect. One of my grandsons is 11 months and he does things just like that :).

    • I am so glad to hear that you laughed out loud! Laughter is great for the soul! How amazing that you have an 11 month grandson. What a fun age!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the giggles!


  1. […] a moment to smile.  Melissa at Melissa Wright Journey gives us a giggle for […]

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