What is the Most Important Thing to Do Today?

So far in the Take Action Tuesday Series we have answered some questions to help you to identify some Inspired Actions to help you focus on the “right” actions and a To Do List System that can help you to reduce feeling overwhelmed. If you already have a To Do List system that you are […]

Get your Priorities Straight

It’s Take Action Tuesday again so today we’re going to talk about a system to help you to accomplish your top priorities. In the picture you can see my To-Do List. I have written each of the things that I would like to get accomplished on a sticky note.  And on the left side I […]

Some Basic Truths

I have some Basic Truths that I would like to share with you.  My hope is that these Truths inspire you to be who you are meant to be! As you read the list below pay attention to how you feel as you read them.  Do these statements feel true for you?   You are […]

What do you need to change to be successful?

Is there something that you wish you could change about yourself to help you be more successful? Would you like to be more outgoing, more confident, more influential, or more likeable? Do you look at other people who are more successful than you are and wish you could be more like them? Do you feel […]

What does freedom mean to you?

Since today is the 4th of July, and in the US we are celebrating Independence Day, I thought today would be a good day to think about Freedom. I am grateful to live in a country where we are considered to be free and I appreciate all of the people who have worked hard, fought, […]