The 10 Things You Need To Know To Create Your Ideal Business Part 4

The fourth thing that you need to know to Create Your Ideal Business is: How do you want to help? How can your Natural Talents and Gifts be used to provide value or service to the People You Want to Help? Just like you get to determine who your ideal customers/clients are, you also get […]

The 10 Things You Need To Know To Create Your Ideal Business Part 3

The third thing that you need to know to Create Your Ideal Business is: Who do you want to help? One of the most important aspects of having an IDEAL business is that you are working with your IDEAL customers/clients.  How you feel about the people you are spending your time with in your business […]

The 10 Things You Need To Know To Create Your Ideal Business Part 1

The first thing that you need to know as you start on the journey to Create Your Ideal Business is:  What do you want to achieve? It is important to start with a clear vision of what you are hoping to accomplish or create.  What does success look like for you and how will you […]

How to Bring Your Great Ideas to Life

Do you ever get a great idea that gets you all excited, but for some reason life seems to get in the way, and before you know it months have passed and you are still doing exactly what you were doing before the great idea? This has happened to me more times that I can […]

How is your relationship with money?

Do you always feel like you have enough money? Does it feel like you have more month than money? Do you have a love/hate relationship with money? How you feel about money will have a direct impact on the amount of money that you will earn. How much money have your made in your lifetime? […]